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Ecumenical Orthodox Catholic Church in America
Mystical Inclusive Eastern Christianity
Home: Welcome

All are welcome here, the EOCCIA is an inclusive community rooted in the Eastern Orthodox Tradition.
We believe that the experiential truth and wisdom of this ancient spiritual path is for everyone. We believe that Divine Grace, the energies of God, are available to everyone. We believe that the image of God is present in everyone. Therefore our Eucharist and the other Holy Mysteries of the Church are open to all who seek communion with their Creator. No matter who you are or where you come from you are welcome in this sacred community.

Divine Liturgy

On the first Sunday of each month we offer the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chyrsostom in the St. Francis Chapel at St. Francis of the Woods. This ancient eucharistic service was compiled by the Archbishop of Constantinople around 400 CE from even earlier sources dating to the time of the Apostles.
In Orthodoxy, prayer and worship are psychosomatic, involving both the mind and the body. Therefore, the Divine Liturgy invokes all the senses. The bright colors of the icons, the smell of incense, the sound of music, the taste of bread and wine are all designed to remind the worshiper that our whole self: body, mind, and spirit, are mystically participating in the eternal reconciling of God and Creation. In Eucharist we break bread and share wine, as the early Church did, to participate in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The Eucharist reminds us that we are all united as one human family, one people, the Body of Christ.

O Lord our God, Your power is incomparable. Your glory is incomprehensible. Your mercy is immeasurable. Your love for us is inexpressible. Look upon us and upon this holy house, and impart the riches of Your mercy and compassion to us and to those who pray with us.

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