Spiritual Direction
Individual Spiritual Direction
Aidan has served as bishop of the EOCCIA for four years, Aidan has trained as a spiritual director through the HeartPaths spirituality centre. Spiritual direction is the art and practice of walking along aide a person as they deepen their relationship with the Divine, as a traveling companion on the spiritual journey. Spiritual directors (sometimes called spiritual companions) offer deep listening and thoughtful questions to allow a person’s spiritual path to unfold. The spiritual path is a journey of the whole person (body, mind, spirit) discovering and responding to the Mystery of God planted deeply within the life of each person and our world. It requires a seasoned awareness of the self and the self in relationship to creation and others. A spiritual director can help a person notice, savor and respond to God's presence. Spiritual direction sessions are confidential and occur usually once a month. Spiritual direction is not counseling or therapy. For further information on the spiritual direction relationship visit Spiritual Directors International at sdicompanions.org
HeartPaths Spiritual Direction Training
Heartpaths seeks to develop the awareness of God's mystery fully present in all human experience through the contemplative practices of prayer, reflection, and simple noticing.
HeartPaths has been preparing clergy and laity for the ministries of spiritual leadership and spiritual direction since 1982. Our training program is designed with three phases. The first year deepens your own spiritual formation and group facilitating skills and leads to the Certificate in Spiritual Leadership. Those who discern a calling to continue will complete the second year Spiritual Exercises of Ignatius and the third year Practicum in Spiritual Direction. Completion of all three years leads to the Certificate in Spiritual Direction. For more information visit heartpaths.org